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The Taxcast

Welcome to the Taxcast, the Tax Justice Network's monthly podcast. Here you'll find news and unique analysis on tax justice, corruption and scandal you won't find anywhere else! Featuring former banking and tax haven insiders, economists and tax justice experts. It's presented and produced by Naomi Fowler with a regular appearance from the Tax Justice Network's John Christensen. Available on iTunes, Stitcher etc.

May 18, 2022

Which nations are the world's biggest financial secrecy offenders? And what does it tell us about the world, about politics and about democracy? How high does your country rank in facilitating global corruption?

In this episode Taxcast host Naomi Fowler explores the shocking results of the Tax Justice Network's Financial Secrecy Index 2022. 


Alex Cobham, head of the Tax Justice Network

Ryan Gurule, of the FACT Coalition

Read all about the Financial Secrecy Index here: 

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