Sep 28, 2023
The US government has spent an estimated $1 trillion on their 'war on drugs.' But, over more than 50 years, the cross-border flows of illegal drugs, arms and money have increased. It's a mess. And it didn't need to be this way. We look at the failed so-called 'war on drugs' and how to stop wasting precious lives. In part one of a two part series, we start with the supposed 'goodies' and the 'baddies.'
Criminology lecturer Karina Garcia-Reyes of the University of the West of England, author of Morir Es Un Alivio (Dying is a Relief) Las Reveladoras Historias De 12 Ex-narcos Que Lograron Escapar Del Crimen Organizado. Available in Spanish here
Eric Gutierrez, of the International Centre of Human Rights and Drug Policy
Associate Professor of International and Organised Crime at Bristol Law School, Dr Mary Young
Further Reading:
Inside Mexico’s war on drugs: Conversations with ‘el narco’
Poverty, gender and violence in the narratives of former narcos: accounting for drug trafficking violence in Mexico (Karina Garcia-Reyes)
Debunking the Narco Myth
A world fit for money laundering: The Atlantic alliance’s undermining of organised crime control: Young, Mary Alice; Woodiwiss, Michael
Organised crime and
security threats in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: A
Critical analysis of US assumptions and policies: Young, Mary;
Woodiwiss, Michael
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