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The Taxcast

Welcome to the Taxcast, the Tax Justice Network's monthly podcast. Here you'll find news and unique analysis on tax justice, corruption and scandal you won't find anywhere else! Featuring former banking and tax haven insiders, economists and tax justice experts. It's presented and produced by Naomi Fowler with a regular appearance from the Tax Justice Network's John Christensen. Available on iTunes, Stitcher etc.

Dec 19, 2019

This month we ask - what's going on with our pre-school childcare and elderly care home services? We take a long hard look at the financialisation of our services and what we can do about it. Plus: the Conservative party in the UK has won a major victory in the general elections. With major challenges for tax justice, what are the next steps for trade deal negotiations? Will Britain become a fully fledged Singapore-on-Thames?

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